DS 543 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (Spring 2024)
This course aim to present a math-lite introduction to reinforcement learning.
We will cover (1) the basics of Markov Decision Processes (2) primary algorithmic paradigms including model-based, value-based and policy-based learning (3) modern challenges and open problems in RL.
Instructors: Xuezhou Zhang
TF: Mingyu Chen
Lecture time: Tuesday/Thursday 12:30pm - 1:45pm ET
Instructor office hours: TBD
TF hours: TBD .
Schedule (The current materials are from Spring 2024)
Topics |
Reading |
Slides/HW |
Chapter 1 |
Fundamentals: Markov Decision Processes |
AJKS: 1.1, 1.2 |
Slides |
Chapter 2 |
Planning in MDPs: Policy and Value Itertions |
AJKS: 1.3 |
Slides, HW1.pdf, HW1.tex |
Chapter 3 |
Model-based RL: MPC, Dreamer, MuZero |
AJKS: 2.1, 2.3 |
Slides |
Chapter 4 |
Value-based RL: FQI, Q-learning |
AJKS: 4.1, 4.2 |
Slides, Project |
Chapter 4 |
Value-based RL: Bellman completeness, DQN |
AJKS: 4.1, 4.2 |
Slides |
Chapter 5 |
Policy-based RL: Policy Gradient Theorem, Reinforce |
AJKS: 11-14 |
Slides |
Chapter 5 |
Policy-based RL: Actor-Critic, Importance Sampling, DPG |
AJKS: 11-14 |
Slides, HW2.pdf, HW2.tex |
Chapter 5 |
Policy-based RL: NPG, TRPO, PPO |
AJKS: 11-14 |
Slides |
Chapter 6 |
Imitation Learning: Behavior Cloning |
AJKS: 15 |
Slides, Pytorch Demo |
Chapter 6 |
Imitation Learning: Dagger |
AJKS: 15 |
Slides |
Chapter 7 |
Exploration: Exploration in MAB |
AJKS: 6.1.1 |
Slides |
Chapter 7 |
Exploration: Exploration in MAB |
AJKS: 6.1.1 |
Slides |
Chapter 8 |
Exploration: Exploration in MDPs |
AJKS: 7.2 |
Slides |
Chapter 8 |
Exploration: Exploration in Deep RL |
AJKS: 7.2 |
Slides, HW3 |
Chapter 9 |
Offline RL: FQI and naive methods |
AJKS: 4.1 |
Slides |
Chapter 9 |
Offline RL: Learning without full data coverage |
AJKS: 4.1 |
Slides |
Chapter 9 |
Offline RL: LCB and Empirical Methods |
AJKS: 4.1 |
Slides |
Chapter 10 |
Multi-agent RL: Game Theory Basics |
Slides |
Chapter 10 |
Multi-agent RL: Markov Games and Planning in MG |
Slides |
Chapter 10 |
Multi-agent RL: Online Learning in MGs |
Slides |
Chapter 10.5 |
Mechanism Design: Going beyond being a player in the game |
Slides |